Saturday, October 1, 2011

Challenge Yourself - October

So September's Challenge was met with the 'soft launch' of my Etsy shop.

That means it's time for October!

To celebrate my new shop, and also my two year blogging anniversary in November, I'd like to have a giveaway (or maybe giveaways) in November.  So.... my October challenge is to arrange said giveaways so that come 1st November I'm all set to go.

Sounds pretty simple but I've never done it before so maybe there is more than meets the eye.

Add your link below if you are setting a goal or challenging yourself this month.

***Whilst I have every intention of funding this giveaway myself, if you have a shop and would like to contribute some prizes in return for bloggy promotion and eternal gratitude, feel free to contact me.***

1 comment:

  1. Your shop is looking good! I'd be happy to host a giveaway on my site if you're interested - when you're ready! Just let me know!

    Jill @ Creating my way to Success
