This first one is apparently coconut shell. I was just looking for something that I liked, wasn't fussed about what it was made from. It is REALLY light weight and feels rather fragile. I hope it's not too breakable.
The second one is woven cotton cord hooked around a metal ring. The beads are a random selection from my friend's bead collection. I had ordered beads for this but when they turned up they weren't quite what I was expecting, and didn't work with the cotton cord. The cord is just knotted so this required no beading tools at all.
And the last one is made with an assortment of millefiori glass beads threaded on tigertail, and held apart with gold crimps.

The first and the last both use magnetic clasps, which are really easy to put on (don't need to fiddle with your fingernails) but they stick to everything! They stick to each other in the bag, and the split rings that holds them to the tigertail is always sitting funny because it's "stuck" to the clasp.
This has got me re-enthused for beading and I want to do more now! But alas there is much sewing to be done before Christmas.
I hope my sister-in-law likes them...
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