Last Friday I went off to the
Australasian Quilt Convention. A day out on my own, without the bub, free to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Oh the luxury!!
It was a mixed day. Morning feed and sleep times meant that I rushed to get ready and catch an earlier train so the little one wasn't kept awake too long. Not such a bad thing. Then the train was held up in between two stations because of signal faults for AN HOUR!! I spent the time clearing out old SMSs on my phone. There were some that were more than two years old that weren't meaningful at all (My oldest SMS is 9 1/2 years old, but that was my brother announcing the birth of his first child so it's meaningful). I was glad I'd caught the earlier train because the later train would have been held up behind us!
Eventually I arrived in the city and, in a rush to get to the
Royal Exhibition Building, I walked up the escalators rather than just standing. I used to do this all the time on work days. I'm not as fit as I used to be. The escalator out of the train station is two lots of these:
By the time I got to the top my legs resembled set jelly, and then to leave the actual station I had to walk up more stairs, and there was no escalator option! At least I'd got in my
exercise for the day.
I then had to walk through Carlton Gardens, and oh what a sight! I'd forgotten what it was like to be in the city in Autumn.
Sadly my little camera phone doesn't take the best pictures, but you get the idea. I've always loved crunchy Autumn leaves, maybe because there weren't any around where I grew up. I think I ended up taking just as many photos outside as I did inside!
An hour later than intended, I arrived at the expo, and still in time to go to the seminars I wanted (just). After my first session gave me a chance for a rest, I wandered around the quilt displays. So many wonderful quilts. I try not to look too hard or I just get overwhelmed with a longing to make such beautiful pieces. I did snap a few inspirations though
This quilt had leaves appliqued (I believe blanket stitched) and then the quilting was done in the small gaps between. It gave the effect of pebbles or stones because it really made the applique shapes stand out. I might have to try this some day.
I did try to photograph the cards next to the quilts detailing the name, who made it etc, but my camera just didn't do the job well enough.

This one was an entry into the Seven Deadly Sins quilt contest, which was run specifically for the Convention, and I thought this entry was rather fun!
There were some brilliant ideas for the theme, and some rather unusual ones too. Some people focused on all seven sins (like this one), others just concentrated on one sin.
This quilt really caught my eye. I've always wanted to make an
Escher quilt, it's one of those things that turns over in my mind every now and then. The Tumbling Blocks pattern has always struck me as a good starting point, but this quilt makes me think of so many other options.
This quilt was part of the 'Going Green' display. I really wish I could read the photo of the description because it was rather nice. She has animals circling around the words 'Recycle your rubbish, take care that your waste wont hurt any creatures or spoil this great place', and of course the twisting blocks. The colours are also so lovely, like the sun turning into a rainbow.
For some reason this quilt grabbed me a bit. I'm not one for mixing pinks, reds and oranges together, but this quilt just seemed so fun and quirky.
Maybe it was just my British blood (my dad was born in England) being drawn in by the Union Jack.
I loved the simplicity of this red and white. Well, the simplicity of the colours, certainly not of the work. After seeing so many photos of the red and white quilts recently on display in America, I want to make a red and white quilt. Seeing this one at the expo changed my direction a little ;) I'd been thinking of something pieced, but then was reminded how beautiful but simple applique can be!
The next two are colour quilts which I always love. I'm sure one day I'll get around to doing a black and rainbow quilt!
After all that quilt gazing, I did get around to doing some shopping. Here is my loot
I picked up a new cutting mat since I've managed to warp two of them (I've now found a flat place to store my mats so it wont happen again). I got a book on
Japanese meshwork... considering I bought all the gear for doing it at a craft show years ago and have never done any. There is also a
Don't Look Now pattern for a cushion cover. I'd been contemplating getting the new 'In Spring' design, but realised I don't need another quilt pattern just yet, and my budget was stretched a little thin. There is some embroidery stabiliser and embroidery thread, quilt hangers for some projects I have in mind and of course fabric. Most of the fabric is just stash building but one or two of them are destined for a specific project in the near future.
After I left the expo, I saw more beautiful Autumn leaves so I'll leave you with these images.
I'm inspired to make an Autumn quilt now......